Education Council

Abby Fyfe
Work place: Macquarie University Hospital
Role: Oncology Clinical Nurse Consultant
Specialty area: Systemic Treatments and Supportive Care
Being a general oncology CNC, I joined the ANZ-LCNF to gain more lung cancer specific collaboration and expertise. I am passionate about supporting other cancer nurses with building their skills and knowledge to best support patients, as well as maintain resilience in an emotionally tough field of work. I see the suffering and distress many of these patients and families go through and am dedicated to finding ways to support them and make their experience, particularly in the palliative phase, as smooth and symptom free as possible.

Mel Laan
Work place: Royal Adelaide Hospital
Role: Lung Cancer Nurse Consultant
Specialty area: Medical and Radiation Oncology
I am very passionate about sharing knowledge and providing educational opportunities for lung cancer nurses so that patients feel empowered, well supported and educated. I also appreciate the platform ANZ-LCNF gives to be an advocate for my patients voices and enact changes that will improve their lung cancer experience.

Kirsten Mooney
Work place: WA Cancer and Palliative Care Network – Clinical Implementation Unit
Role: Thoracic Cancer Clinical Nurse Consultant
Specialty area: Thoracic Malignancies, including Mesothelioma
I am passionate about making a difference in the thoracic cancer field. For too long lung cancer has carried a stigma and been the “poor relation” compared to other tumour groups. There are now so many exciting advances within thoracic cancer, from early diagnosis to treatment modalities that it is a very exciting time to be involved. It is amazing to be able to work with like-minded nurses with the same passion, but also to learn and share experiences with this knowledgeable and driven group of health professionals.

Paula Nelson
Work place: Royal Melbourne Hospital
Role: Thoracic Liaison Nurse
Specialty area: Thoracic Surgery
I became an ANZLCNF member to be part of a likeminded group of nurses and to help raise the awareness of the lung cancer nurse. I love my role as thoracic liaison nurse and being part of a multidisciplinary team striving to care for lung cancer patients. I am passionate about reducing the stigma of lung cancer and ensuring outcomes for lung cancer patients continue to improve. I also have a particular interest in tunneled permanent pleural catheters.

Catherine Smith
Work place: Christchurch Hospital
Role: Clinical Nurse Specialist Lung Cancer
Specialty area: Respiratory and Oncology
I appreciate the expertise and knowledge nurses have in specific areas of lung cancer care. I enjoy having the ANZ-LCNF opportunity to widen my nursing connections and to tap into shared ‘know how’, to assist in the care provided to lung cancer patients and whanau. New Zealand lung cancer patients have very poor outcomes. I strive to ensure patients have a timely diagnostic pathway and treatment commencement.

Yana Jones
Work place: Ipswich Hospital – West Moreton Hospital and Health Service
Role: Specialist Lung Cancer Nurse
Specialty area: Medical Oncology
I joined the ANZ-LCNF as I am passionate about supporting high quality holistic care for Lung Cancer patients. I thoroughly enjoy connecting with other nurses and sharing our knowledge and experiences. It’s wonderful to have a group to help empower and support us to make a substantial contribution to improving the care for Lung Cancer patients.

Amy O'Donnell
Work place: Chris O’Brien Lifehouse
Role: Lung cancer nurse specialist
Specialty area: Thoracic medical oncology
I became a member of ANZ-LCNF as I enjoy networking with other lung nursing colleagues and keeping up to date with all that is happening the lung cancer space. As lung cancer is more now than ever advancing in treatments and technologies it is important to keep in touch with others to ensure I am abreast of all that is happening. I also like to be able to add input and value where I can.

Janene Shelton
Work place: Toowoomba Hospital, Darling Downs Health, Queensland
Role: Specialist Lung Cancer Nurse
I have worked in cancer care for over 14yrs and what I am most passionate about is the interactions I have each day with patients, from supporting them through diagnosis, to treatment and beyond. Being a part of the ANZ-LCNF is a great way to get the message of advocacy and education for lung cancer to the greater nursing community, whilst also promoting the hard work that Lung Foundation Australia does for lung cancer patients through their advocacy, research, and quest for equitable access to cancer screening.

Kim Greco
Work place: Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide
Role: Lung Cancer Nurse Consultant
I have worked as an oncology nurse for 15 years. It is a privilege to work in a role that allows me to support lung cancer patients and their families during such a difficult and vulnerable time in their lives. Being a member of the ANZLCNF education committee means I will have the opportunity to share my knowledge and experiences with other like-minded nurses and also to contribute to the improved outcomes for our lung cancer patients.

Julie Evans
Work place: Hervey Bay and Bundaberg Hospitals – Wide Hospital and Health Service
Role: Specialist Lung Cancer Nurse
I became a member of ANZ-LCNF education committee as a way of connecting with expert, skilled and passionate professionals working towards improving outcomes for people diagnosed with lung cancer. My role is dedicated to ensuring patients receive specialised and compassionate care in a regional setting which can be challenging where patients already have poor outcomes, so patients can feel empowered, supported and hopeful.

Kelli Brittain
Work place: Cancer Cre Services at the Royal Brisbane and Womens’ Hospital
Role: Clinical Nurse Consultant
I am a member of ANZ-LCNF because it is an amazing way to collaborate, and learn more about lung cancer, how to help our patients, and each other as nurses. I have met many other members at conferences and through the education committee. For me, knowing the person on the other end of the phone or email trail, makes things so much easier. I have colleagues I can learn from and connect with, ultimately making things easier for my patients. I am really passionate about our profession and ANZ-LCNF reinforces the professionalism of nursing and the specialties within our workforce.