Australia and New Zealand Lung Cancer Nurses Forum (ANZ-LCNF) logo

About us


Our history

The Australia and New Zealand Lung Cancer Nurses Forum (ANZ-LCNF) was established in October 2010 by a group of passionate thoracic oncology nurses who recognised the unmet needs of people living with lung cancer, their families and carers. This special interest group also identified the limited professional development available to thoracic oncology nurses.

Since our establishment in 2010, our membership has grown to over 300 members throughout Australia and New Zealand. The ANZ-LCNF is a program of Lung Foundation Australia, the only national charity and leading peak body dedicated to reducing the impact of lung disease and lung cancer for all Australians.


 To authentically represent and lead the thoracic oncology nursing community, to increase the prominence, recognition and influence of our profession through the delivery of evidence-based thoracic cancer nursing care for people living with thoracic malignancies in Australia and New Zealand.


 To reduce burden and improve outcomes for people living with thoracic malignancies through the delivery of quality thoracic oncology nursing.


Education Council

The ANZ-LCNF Education Council is passionate, driven and dedicated to providing advice and education on a variety of issues and has input on specific education activities for ANZ-LCNF.

Meet our Council long-arrow-right

Would you like to be an ANZ-LCNF member? Membership is free and open to all nurses!

Acknowledgment of Country

ANZ-LCNF acknowledges and respects traditional owners and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past and present, on whose land we work to support the provision of safe and quality thoracic oncology nursing care.

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© 2025 Lung Foundation Australia. All rights reserved.